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Be My Eyes 0.519.1.0 for Windows

A Free Productivity App

Published By Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes for Windows brings you Be My AI, a pioneering tool that provides detailed AI-powered descriptions of images and graphics, along with an interactive ... Read More > or Download Now >

Be My Eyes for Windows

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76.66 MB

Microsoft Store

Tech Specs

  • • Version: 0.519.1.0
  • • Price: 0
  • • Content Rating: Teen
  • • Requirements: Windows OS
  • • File Name: Be-My-Eyes.MsixBundle

User Ratings

  • 160 Votes, Average: 3.7 out of 5
  • • Rating Average:
  • 3.7 out of 5
  • • Rating Users:
  • 160

Download Count

  • • Total Downloads:
  • 10
  • • Current Version Downloads:
  • 10
  • • Added: May 30, 2024

More About Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes Screenshot Image

Be My Eyes for Windows brings you Be My AI, a pioneering tool that provides detailed AI-powered descriptions of images and graphics, along with an interactive chatbot, for a more accessible computer experience.

Here's just some of the things Be My AI can do for you:

1. Describe your screen
Let Be My AI instantly describe what is on your screen, within a window, or other on-screen content. Whether you're browsing websites, using applications, or exploring documents, Be My AI provides accurate and detailed descriptions.

2. Describe local images
Bring images stored on your computer to life with Be My AI's image description functionality. Clear, concise descriptions of locally stored images and graphics opens up a new world of possibilities.

3. Describe online images
Use Be My AI to get visual information of online pictures and content. Just copy to your clipboard, and let Be My AI generate a detailed text description.

4. Prepare for video calls
Be My AI can assist you in preparing for a video call. It can tell you if you are centered in the frame, or what your background looks like. Simply take a picture with the built in laptop camera or external camera and get ready for online calls.

Be My AI also lets you ask follow-up questions about the descriptions it provides.

Please note this app is intended only for the use of people who are blind or have low vision. If you are sighted and wish to volunteer at Be My Eyes, please download our mobile app.

Be My Eyes for Windows is currently in beta and will continue to be improved with enhancements and new features.

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